Whiston Asset Management Group
Whiston Asset Management Group
Historic Proprietary Model Performance does not guarantee future results. The returns presented represent simulated model returns, which are hypothetical and do not reflect actual trading activity; hence they may not accurately portray material economic factors such as liquidity constraints that had an impact on decision making at certain points in time.
The historic performance discussed reflects retroactive application of the models with full benefit from hindsight.
Future Portfolio performance may differ from the Model's, and actual returns cannot be guaranteed. The model returns reflect a tiered 2.00% annual Management Fee charged quarterly for expenses on total portfolio value. When Special reduced Management Fee rates apply a year-end 10-20% Performance Bonus is also paid and is not demonstrated. The Bonus is based upon the change in Capital. Costs may be higher or lower than actual trading costs.
Actual performance will vary from that of investing in the Proprietary Model because it is not always invested fully at all times; however, Hypothetical models have historically performed better than some index funds and can produce positive results.
Investing into this type of strategy should come with an understanding about what risks might exist such as economic re occurrence depending upon where you live within the world .
Whiston Asset Management Group, Inc 445 Park Ave., 9th Fl. New York, NY 10022. Telephone: (212) 717-0557 info@whistonassetmanagement
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